Tuesday 10 August 2010


I have only just had the time to get back to the CAM23 so consequently I am now very behind.
I would like to think that I would be able to work my way through the ones I have left!

So far I have found the learning experience both interesting and stressful in equal measures. My knowledge base has improved but I am not the best when it comes to technology and I think that this shows when I look at the blogs of others and also their igoogle pages. I would like to have more time to explore the Things in greater depth. I took the VARK test and my results were that I was a read/write learner which I am in agreement with. I do feel slightly more confident with the technology and I intend to apply some of the relevant learning. I can see the benefit of Delicious and flickR also I have set up my own twitter account (but as yet don't feel that I have had the time to really explore it to its maximum.

I hope to be able to change the way I approach the next 12 by taking much more time to explore the subjects. Unfortunately, this will only be achieved if I manage to get through all the library / webwork I need to do before term starts!!

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