Tuesday 10 August 2010


I have only just had the time to get back to the CAM23 so consequently I am now very behind.
I would like to think that I would be able to work my way through the ones I have left!

So far I have found the learning experience both interesting and stressful in equal measures. My knowledge base has improved but I am not the best when it comes to technology and I think that this shows when I look at the blogs of others and also their igoogle pages. I would like to have more time to explore the Things in greater depth. I took the VARK test and my results were that I was a read/write learner which I am in agreement with. I do feel slightly more confident with the technology and I intend to apply some of the relevant learning. I can see the benefit of Delicious and flickR also I have set up my own twitter account (but as yet don't feel that I have had the time to really explore it to its maximum.

I hope to be able to change the way I approach the next 12 by taking much more time to explore the subjects. Unfortunately, this will only be achieved if I manage to get through all the library / webwork I need to do before term starts!!


I like the idea of Delicious. I am one of those that use my browser for bookmarking and it gets a little untidy.

I will open a Delicious account and manage my book marks in a much better way in future.

The Cambridge 23 Things programme - presentation to EBSLG

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Monday 12 July 2010

Using images

Phil Moore image
I can see the benefit of having many images all in one place. There are many very good images in the databases that can be used to brighten up presentations and notices.. It is nice that you can see many images through Flickr without having an account. I understand that many more would be available if I had an account but I do not want a Yahoo account.
Even though there is a link to the Creative Commons licence I am not sure as to how many people using Flickr would bother to use it. The copyright issue could be a big thing.
Found the Tags thing interesting and the further reading provoked me into things of many more things which involves tags.
I think to make this work then the tags need to be of a good quality so they are easily indentified. If the tagging is not right then the entry will not be found. This could mean that many interesting and important things are lost.

Thursday 8 July 2010

SlideShare Dr Thorne (Nonsuch Classics) by Anthony Trollope

I have finished reading the Barchester Chronicles with Dr Thorne being my favourite.
I hope this Slideshare presentation works as I can only see a black box!
It seems to be an interesting tool. I am not sure if and when I would use it in my library. It may be that it could be incorporated into my inductions but they are usually done on a one to one basis. I can see it would be invaluable for someone who gave alot of presentations.

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:


Just finished Thing 8 & 9. I found these extremely useful as sometimes I need to use a good image.
Now I will know where to look.
Sometimes using a MAC makes the instructions difficult, especially as I did not have a right click mouse!!

Thursday 1 July 2010

I enjoyed looking at flickr. There are some beautiful images available on it.
The images from idlethink are so lovely. If anyone ever managed to make my library look like that, I wouldn't mind breaking a few rules!

Monday 28 June 2010


I am a little behind with my Things as I have been away. Just worked my way through Thing 7 - twitter. I have had a twitter account for a while but have not used it. I will try to in the future.


Monday 14 June 2010

Google Calendar

Have just set up my Google Calendar - tried to share it with my husband but couldn't as he doesn't have one set up.

Seemed to be able to do this quite well.

I am away for week from Wednesday, so will need to be busy catching up when I return.


Thursday 10 June 2010


I have been a little late starting my "Things" this week but have just completed Thing 5 setting up Doodle.
I have always wondered how this was achieved and now I know. I found it easy and straight forward and will be very handy for scheduling my meetings.


Friday 4 June 2010

Finally managed to do a screenshot

I've been having a difficult time with trying to include the snapshot of my igoogle page as I am using a Mac and it took me a while to figure out how to do a screen print. Eventually got there!

I am getting to grips with the tools I need to use and the the gentle introduction of Thing 1 & 2 helped. Hopefully, I will be able to understand as things progress.

I need to make my blog page more appealing! It is very boring.

Thursday 3 June 2010

Things are always easy when you know how!

This is my second attempt at setting this blog as being interrupted the first time things went a little awry.

My husband calls me a technophobe as I do not use Facebook, Twitter, iTunes and sometimes have problems understanding my mobile phone - I get over this last one by having it switched off!

It is a good thing that I am doing this as I hope to gain a better understanding by the end.